Micro-Chip Human Implants

Denis Zingman
6 min readNov 5, 2020



Human microchips have been evolving very rapidly over the last decade, and are predicted to make a huge future impact on how we improve our performance in numerous ways. The most popular current applications for this technology is for bank cards/crypto wallets, travel cards (public transport), passport/ID substitute, building entrance (office spaces), accessing your smartphone/computer, opening/locking house door or car, smart gun (shoots when in the hand of an authorized user), and contraceptive implants (long-lasting birth control). Although the current uses are changing the way we do things already, the technology is expected to scale rapidly, modifying our human bodies, pushing our limits to become part machines.


Body implants currently have a few crucial benefits. In the medical field, they enable secure access to patient clinical information, accurate heart rate monitoring, give you good information about blood flow, and have the potential to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Also, implants aid those with limited use of their hands, amputees, and individuals suffering from a range of conditions that may be aided with implanted access technology. They are also extremely convenient as they help to perform everyday tasks faster, more accurately, and with less care like accessing a building or paying at the store with the swipe of your hand. As ironic as it may sound, they provide a degree of safety, as you will no longer risk losing your wallet or leaving your home/car unlocked for example. Things like tickets don’t need to be saved with the personal ID in your hand. Some companies are even going as far as asking employees to have implants as a security ID to access buildings, computer networks, or secure databases. Additionally, many people adopt this technology just because of the cyborg hype around it. Many people are trying to get the implants because they want to be part of the movement, they think it’s cool and futuristic. Many tech-savvy people volunteer to be the guinea pigs of these innovations.

The simple science behind it:

Most chips are made using the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). It’s simply a tag or a label that can exchange data through a radio frequency. RFID’s have been used for years and there are thousands of uses for them like our credit card chips, baggage tags, or even pet implants that we use for tracking them. They contain an ID number which could be linked to personal information such as personal identification, law enforcement history, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.

The incision process:

The RFID is just the size of a rice grain encased in silicate glass and is implanted using a syringe. At the moment there are loose regulations on who can perform the incision. The chip companies recommend seeing medical professionals Still, most implants are done by tattoo artists and piercers

Early adopter:

Since 2017, thousands of Swedes have been pioneering the use of these futuristic microchips that are implanted under the skin of their hand. Their transport systems are now accepting chips to validate their tickets and even some checkouts in stores allow payments in such a fashion. Italy has also seen some potential market interest, as Eric Larsen, leader of a chip company Biohax Italia, plans to implant 2,500 people in the first six to eight months in Milan and Rome when the technology finally receives approval.


Mark Gasson, and British scientist, proved how a virus could infect those chips and then interfere with other tech devices through it. So if by having this small unprotected device in your hand, you could be vulnerable to transmitting viruses across all of your electronic devices. Hackers could also break into the chip which could have access to your credit cards or company information and abuse it. In addition, computers could track you. The adoption of embedded microchips by governments as a compulsory identification program could lead to erosion of civil liberties. Even though current companies ensure privacy security and safety, just like today’s tech companies violate data privacy so could these companies as they get larger and have more significant data to leverage. Due to these reasons, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and California have issued bills making it illegal to force a person to have a microchip implanted.


In 2018, the company “dangerous things” developed “VivoKey” serving as the first implanted electronic crypto wallet. “JAMM Technologies” partnered with companies selling implanted medical devices. They use RFID tags to monitor and identify the appropriate devices. Founded in Denmark, “BiChip” was created to unlock doors, pay for items, and personal identification. The leading British radio frequency company, “BioTeq”, focuses on opening doors, starting cars, and storing medical data. In February 2006, in Cincinnati, “CityWatcher Inc.” was the 1st company in the world to implant microchips into their employees. They were used to gain building access and security systems into the company’s secure video tape room.

Neuralink was Founded in 2016, in San Francisco by Elon Musk and 8 other scientists. $158 million raised — Elon Musk ($100 million), dreamers fund VC. Elon describes the Neuralink to be like “a FitBit for your skull with tiny wires”. Due to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, the signaling between the neurons in your brain isn’t working properly, so NeuroLink was designed to link a human brain to a computer, helping control physical movements with thoughts as well as manipulate other machines. They are working on recording and reading brain activity with the goal of stimulating it into the parts of the brain so that they work the same way they used to. All chips are to be installed by machines and the human trials have not yet begun.


According to scientists, within the following 20 years, Wallets and passports will become things of the past as technologies radically improve in functionality and security. We will have accurate personal information on medical, professional, and identification accounts. Some even hope that soon we will be able to easily identify diseases. As these technologies advance and become more commercial, you will soon be walking in the mall, picking out your favorite microchips like you would with another tech. You will be able to choose chips from giants such as Apple, Microsoft, and Google within our lifetime.

Within the next 100 years, biohacking will reach new heights. Will be able to modify our bodies like cars, adding superpowers to our daily lives. Faster muscle recovery, larger memory storage, converting thoughts into instant actions via the internet. Eventually, even immortality would be achieved to a certain extent by uploading it to the cloud.


Countries must create stricter regulations on quality installment assurance, allowing for safe implantation. Data tracking must have strong restrictions, with the government protecting their citizens from companies trying to abuse customers’ data. On the other hand, companies should make personal data more secure and unhackable. Each chip is currently responsible for only 1 particular function. They must create more power within each chip so more tasks could be performed. In addition, companies should allow for further personal customization tailored to the customer’s personal use.


Overall, it is a highly risky technology in a time of cyberhacking and tech tracking out of control. Still, if we approach these technological advances with proper testing and security, it has the potential to make us have things we have never thought we would, and heal those who you would never think you could.

